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  • 1. Forms of disciplinary measures ::.
  • (i) fine
  • (ii) withdrawal of school transport facility
  • (iii) suspension
  • (iv) rustication
  • (v) expulsion
  • 2. Separate penalization would be practised for cheating cases caught with evidence (written material). In such cases, for the first time, 20% marks will be deducted and a warning letter will be issued. In case the same student indulges in unfair means again then he would face the same punishment coupled with depriving him/her of all the honours for that session. In case there is no material evidence against cheating case, then for the first time offenders a deduction of 10% will be done and an undertaking shall be taken. For the second time offenders in this category, a deduction of 20% marks with a warning letter will be the punishment. He/She shall be debarred from receiving any honours for that session.
  • 3. Students who are into bullying and rowdy behaviour will be debarredfrom P.E. periods. Structured counselling for such students needs to be followed till the child is reformed. A warning letter may be issued to the first time offenders depending upon the severity of the offence. If the same behaviour is repeated by the child despite counselling and warning then he/she will be suspended from school. For any damage to school property, the child will have to pay a fine amounting to double the cost of the damage. In case of suspension, the child will be debarred from any honours that he/she may deserve for that session.
  • 4. In case of misbehaviour with the teachers / peer group, the students will be warned / suspended for the first offence. The punishment will be decided after proper investigation, depending on the severity of misconduct. 5. No student will be allowed to enter the school premises without proper uniform. However, if students fail to do so, they will be penalized as under
  • 1. First time defaulter - fine of 50/-
    2. Second time defaulter - fine of 100/-
    3. Third time defaulter - will.